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You won't be alone through
the big storms

It’s no secret that our climate is changing. Severe weather events can cause damage to your home, car, and belongings. Floods, wildfires, and windstorms are increasing in frequency, and this affects how we live and how we do business. 

When you’re affected by a catastrophic event, you need more than an insurance policy — you need to know you’re not alone. At Economical, we’re committed to being there when you need us most — and that means supporting you before you experience a loss. Helping you protect what matters most also means being proactively prepared to support you should the worst happen. 

How we can help you

Before an event

Depending on where you live, some risks may be more common than others: forest fires are more frequent in the West, windstorms and hailstorms hit all areas of the country, and flood risks are rising in Ontario, Quebec, and in the Atlantic region. Regardless of your risk, there are things you can do to lower the potential impact on you and your loved ones. Use our guides as you prepare your home and family for severe weather events.

  How we can help you

During or after an event

When a significant weather event affects you, helping you put your life back together is our number one priority — but this can take some time. With extreme weather events, many customers are usually affected at the same time, and our phone lines get busy. We know this can be frustrating — but trust that our claims team is working hard to support your community. Be patient. Stay on the line. We’re here for you.

Make a claim


What to do before, during, and after extreme weather events

Review these guides to help you prepare for wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms, snowstorms, hailstorms, and ice storms.

Before, during, and after a wildfire.
Before, during, and after a tornado.
Before, during, and after a hurricane.
Before, during, and after a windstorm
Before, during, and after a snowstorm
Before, during, and after a hailstorm
Before, during, and after an icestorm

Don’t wait for an emergency to gather the supplies you and your family may need. Be prepared with an emergency kit so you’ve got what you need when you need it.

If you have to evacuate for severe weather, here are some tips for returning home after the evacuation is over.

Prepare for the impact of severe weather and learn more about making — and avoiding — insurance claims by subscribing to our blog